Tuesday, October 20, 2009

可可 (a meaningful song)

07. 可可
作曲: 陈奂仁for The Invisible Men, 何秉舜@goomusic
填词: 黄伟文

其实我是新手 未染污白袖
但天生的威猛 没有对的出口
就算捐出所有 捍卫地球
问世间 什麼有缺口 要让我挽救

如果我异能 就是会将

话我蠢 还是信 神力天生总有用
即使此际 我还没有搞懂
闹笑话 除病痛 还是阻止天劫用
等天机揭破 自告奋勇
标靶很远 还是会中

常自勉 别担心 被老天玩弄
但朱古力水坝 从没有实际功用
就算总打不进 正义阵容
侠客那种热情 没有变冻

话我蠢 还是信 神力天生总有用
即使此际我 比各位钝
闹笑话 除病痛 还是阻止天劫用
等天机揭破 自告奋勇

谁都想当 盖世英雄
谁个又有著 最具价值 的天聪
无论哪一种 无分轻重

话我蠢 还是信 神力天生总有用
闹笑话 除病痛 还是阻止天劫用
等天机揭破 自告奋勇

话我蠢 还是信 神力天生总有用
卖报纸 传饭餸 同样作别人后盾
怎可小看你 没有进贡
你若有异能 即管发送
你是哪种侠(未想通) 仍愿你信

whats wrong??

With the down pouring assignments and tests and the stress from the final exam, the negative energy start to engulf my mind, the tiredness start to decay my body and the anxiety and worries start to alter my goals.....

Things are not getting to become what i want it to be... everything seems going out from my vision,my plan and my control.... What wrong is gong on me???

In the next minute, what kind of person would I be??? Where is my light in this darkness???

10 oct 2009 moral field trip & 20 oct 2009 oral presentation

A bunch of moral project groups go to the praise girl home to conduct our social work... and i did my oral presentation about this field trip today with some out of expected things happened... i am not regret but just feel awkward... maybe the audience will be think so!!!

Sometimes emotion strikes me without any signal and I start anxiety when thing are not go as planned....

By the way, hope that the moral this subject at the end can score with flying color....

10 oct 2009 masquerade night

it was my first time go to a prom night with the theme masquerade night. We all did enjoyed ourselves and we rocked the night!!! There are more pictures in facebook !!!